Saturday, January 7, 2012

Victim? Help is on the way

Have you ever felt like an eternal victim?  I have known people that felt that way.  Some of them seem to be just looking for attention and then some of them just can't seem to get a break.  Every time they make it through one challenge they walk right into another.  Sometimes, it just seems like everyone they trust lets them down or maybe every decision they make is cursed.  With some it is health, with some it is finances, and with others it may be relationships or something else.  They know they have to play the hand life dealt them but sometimes they would like to call misdeal.

To the second group that really just can't seem to get a break, God wants you to know that He is with you.  I know that we've all read the poem "Footprints in the Sand" that says during the times of life when you only saw one set of footprints God was carrying you.  It sure would be nice to be able see the view during these times from God's shoulders while He is carrying us wouldn't it?  The thing is that we could, if we could only focus on God rather than the challenge or trial that we're going through.

I know that is easier said than done but that's life, it's the hand you've been dealt.  God wants you to know that you aren't alone.  There are people in the bible that have felt this way too.  Job for one couldn't catch a break.  In his worst time his wife told him to curse God and die.  Even his best friends told him that his problems must be his fault.  Joseph was abandoned by his family, put unjustly in prison, then forgotten by his friends and left in prison.  When Nehemiah was rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem he was constantly being challenged.  Jesus was constantly challenged by the Pharisees.  Paul said "every time I do good, evil is always present" (Rom 7:21).

God wants you to know that He loves you so much and He cares about your situation.  In the parable about the lost sheep, Jesus basically said that He will leave the 99 sheep that He has with Him that are protected to retrieve the one sheep that needs His help.  The problem that the one sheep has is that while he/she is lost, he/she has no idea that Jesus is looking for him/her.  Please know that sometimes in your trial help is on the way.  You may not know Jesus is coming to help or you may not know that He is already carrying you on His shoulders.  But just because you can't feel it doesn't mean it isn't happening.

The message I have for you is to hold on during the storm.  Matt 7:24-27 talks about the house that is built on the rock standing strong during the storm.  This scripture does NOT promise that the storms of life won't come.  And it also doesn't say that all houses will face the same amount of storms.  It is a very personal message to you that if you will live your life in the house that is built on His rock, you will be able to weather the storm because of His protection. 

God loves you so much (John 3:16) and He cares if you are hurting.  I do too.  If you need prayer, please post a comment to this post and I, as well as the others that read your comment, will pray for you....YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

God loves you and I do too!

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