"Epic morning with Kelsi this morning. I love that little rascal. She is amazing, she loves me so good and she is fun to love. Unlike everyone else, she sees no flaws in me. The older girls don't see me like she does. One day, things will change. But for now, she is my princess and I am her favorite queen."
All of my life, I've loved the scripture that says "I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn't receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter in" (Luke 18:17 NLT). I've always associated this with faith. It takes childlike faith to be able to accept and believe the Gospel.
Romans 14:17 tells us that the Kingdom of God is "righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit". I don't think that is the only definition for the Kingdom of God. Graeme Goldworthy summarizes the Kingdom of God as "God's people in God's place under God's rule." I like that summary, especially when I think about it in terms of Christ. Jesus is saying that if you don't receive God's people like a little child, you can't be a part of God's people.
Back to Kim and Kelsi (mother & 4-yr old daughter). Kim's text about Kelsi is exactly how Jesus looks at (receives) Christians that have been covered by his blood. Kim has never done any wrong in Kelsi's eyes. Not only that, she is Kelsi's favorite person...favorite queen! Every meal Kim makes Kelsi is the best she has ever had. Every moment Kelsi spends with her mom is spent as though it would be her last.
I was blown away when God revealed this to me. Jesus is all-knowing, all-powerful, omniscient, and omnipresent. He created everything including you. Yet when he sees us, it's not through judgmental eyes wondering why we act this way. He sees us with eyes of acceptance like a child. He wants every moment that you will give him. And like with our children, every moment you give Him will never be wasted. But we can't stop here.
This is also how God want's us to look at and accept others. He wan'ts us to ignore flaws as though we can't see them. He wants us to forgive trespasses like he forgives us. He wants us to give like we own it all anyway.
God loves us so incredibly much. He desires a personal relationship with all of us. He want's to be with you at home and at work, not just at church.
God loves you and I do too!
John Knight