Kim is away with Kassi at a basketball tournament and I'm missing her. Last week, I was away from her for one night so I drove to Nashville to be with her. This week, its Cincinnati and three nights instead of two. It just wasn't possible for me to be with her...I'm dying without her.
Why am I'm telling you this? Well, I don't know, other than it seems to make me feel better to write it down. I miss my girl. When she is away, I'm lost. I have sat around all day with Kalli and Kelsi not knowing what to do. The only thing I know to do is play with them outside and with the heat today, that just wasn't possible with a 2-year old. Kim would have known what to do today. Heck, if she were here, I probably would have too. Without her, I'm just lonely. Kalli is good company and she and Kelsi are fun but it just isn't the same without Kim.
I hope she and Kassi are having fun. As for me, I started counting down the minutes until she gets home as soon as she pulled out of the garage yesterday.
I love my baby!