According to Webster, to scorn is to reject or dismiss as unworthy or contemptible. So a scorner is someone that looks down on people. No one is good enough for them so we find them criticizing almost anything anyone does. Do you know anyone like that? I do. If I'm not careful and I let the old man out I am a scorner. When we are saved and are operating in God's will, we lose the traits of the old man, namely; being simple, a scorner, or a fool. No one wants to be around a scorner. They are only happy with themselves and they reject everyone elses ideas and opinions.
So it is easy to get in an argument with a scorner. They are not likable people and they are constantantly looking for an argument. We want to correct them and show them the error of there ways. What satisfaction it is to put one of these people in their place. But what does the bible say? Prov 9:7 says "He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame". Prov 9:8 says "Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee". What the bible is saying is to not correct a scorner. Don't argue with them. If you do, you will look just as bad as they do AND you will ultimately turn them against you. If you do that, you will lose any opportunity to win them.
Proverbs says we should "smite" a scorner and to "cast them out" (Prov 19:25, Prov 22:10). Now, most of us aren't in a position to smite or cast out. But what we are in a position to do is to walk away from the argument. The bible says that if we are good to our enemies it's like heaping hot coals on their head (Prov 25:22). If we do that to a scorner, that sure does sound like smiting them. The fact is that Jesus told us to love our neighbor (Lev 19:18, Mat 19:19, Mat 22:39) so don't argue with a scorner. Don't correct a scorner. Love a scorner and walk away.
I challenge you to read Proverbs and see if you are walking in the spirit and bearing spiritual fruit or are you being a scorner.
God loves you and I do too!