Sorry for the break that I took blogging but between basketball, illness, and a long weekend with Kim, I had to put the blog on the back burner.
Dealing with people in general can be hard. With the advent of texting, facebook, twitter, etc., people tend to say whats on their mind more than they would if they were standing face to face with someone. It's all too easy to get sucked into an on-line argument.
I've always said that you can't argue with a liar and you can't be logical with someone that is crazy. Ron White may have said it best when he said "you can't fix stupid". Now, that is putting it a bit harsh, but the fact is that when you are dealing with someone that is operating in the flesh, we need to know how God want's us to handle it.
The bible speaks specifically about three types of people that operate in the flesh. They are referred to as; simple, scorner, or fool. We have all been one of these types of people before we were saved and when the old man creeps up in us, we can be one of those again. As Christians, God does not intend for us to be any of these. He intends for us to be wise.
In my next three blogs, I will be telling you more about these three types of people AND telling you how to deal with them. God gives us specific instructions on what to do with these types of people. When you can see who you are dealing with in a confontational or difficult situation, it is much easier to handle that situation the way that God wants you to.
God loves you and I do too.