Well its been a while since I've posted anything. OK, its been forever ago. After my last post about my dad my emotions were just way too deep. Although I enjoy sharing on this blog, there are just some things that I prefer to keep private and after much discussion with Kim I decided that I'd hold off for a while.
Back to Childlike faith...
I was talking to Kim last night about dad's faith. Kim made the comment "your dad has such great faith" and he does. I truly wished that I had his faith but I have yet to concur my cynicism, skepticism, and pessimism to have that great of faith. But after thinking about it and trying to figure out why I don't have the faith that he does it really just boils down to one thing....TRUST!
Dad, like a child, trusts in God. The Bible tells him "ask and ye shall receive" (Matt 7:7, Matt 21:22), "if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven." (Matt 18:18-20), and "Therefore I say to you whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them." (Mark 11:24).
When we put our hands on a loved one and pray, do we think; "I hope God heals them" or "I can't wait to see God heal them"? I know which one that I unfortunately lean toward. Jesus said “I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven." (Matt 18:3). This is a very broad statement but it is as simple as Christ was saying it...to adults; "your children trust in you, you must trust in Me" is what Jesus was saying.
My dad has this kind of trust and faith. And his reward? He has been cancer free since the tumor was removed in December. I specifically spoke with two neurosurgeons that both believed that even after the tumor was removed, he would only have 12 months to live and that he would probably start deteriorating after 6 months. Dad has had one clean MRI and he finds out the results of the second tomorrow. His statement to Kim was "I don't know why they keep wasting their time and mine because they aren't going to find anything". That's faith.
Find ways to practice your faith, that's right, practice. The bible is quite plain that we are all given the same "measure of faith" (Rom 12:3). It's up to us to learn how to use it through practice and prayer.
God loves you and I do too!