Kim's favorite band, Switchfoot, sings a song called "Needle in a hay stack life". As the title suggests, many of us are or have been leading a life where we are looking for something that is almost impossible to find. Are you? Am I? I can't answer for you but I can confidently answer a resounding NO for me. When I started this blog, I did it so I could share my faith and what's going on in my life at the moment. All of my posts have dealt with something that God had been dealing with me about. Today's is a little different. Today I want to share my blessings with you.
I would like to tell you that my "Needle in a hay stack life" ended when I got saved when I was 6 years old. Unfortunately for me it didn't. That was of no fault of anyone's but my own. Although I was saved, it was years before I really surrendered my life to Christ. I made bad decisions, really bad decisions along the way where I gave the devil strong holds in my life. Sound familiar to anyone? I would like to tell you that the best thing, besides Christ, that happened to me was a good decision I made on my own but I can't. I didn't decide to fall in love with Kim Blankenship, I had no choice. The instant that Kim and I spent time together I knew that she was the one that God intended me to be with and I was instantly in love with her. It was Kim that taught me how to love, how to love unconditionally, and what true Godly love is.
Needle in a hay stack life? Not me! I'm not searching for the impossible. I no longer have a God-shaped hole in my heart and I no longer have a Kim-shaped hole in my life. Has our relationship always been perfect? No. Will our relationship always be perfect? No. But the key for us is that when troubles come, we lean on God and we learn from them. We try to live our life by some simple advice. It's my job to make her happy, and it's her job to be happy when it's obvious that I'm trying to make her happy. That may be a good topic for a post right there!
A lot of people that I know that aren't content and are living that "Needle in a hay stack life" fail to be happy with what God has given them. They tend to focus on any negative aspect of what they have rather than all of the positive aspects. If they are saved, they already have found the needle. The problem is that they don't know how to use it along with the thread they have to sew and patch the holes in their life. Have you ever tried to sew a patch onto a hole without the needle? It would be futile. You must have the needle first. Christ is the answer, period. However, for real and practical living we need to know how to use him. Proverbs 3:5,6 tells us to "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all ways submit to him and he will make your path straight." You can't just put part of your trust in Him, you have to trust Him with "ALL" of your heart, not just part of it.
I want you to notice that He didn't tell us that we wouldn't have to travel the path and that the path wouldn't be hard sometimes. He just promised to make it straight.
I wish you all the happiness and blessings that God will allow you to receive.
God loves you and I do too!
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