Monday, December 5, 2011

Do you want to have a good day?

Do you want to have a good day today or maybe tomorrow?  I don't think I've ever met anyone that would say "I don't want to have a good day tomorrow" and I'm sure you haven't either.  OK, we've established that you would like to have a good day tomorrow but what can you do to either make sure that happens or at the very least, increase the likelihood that it happens?

Some people I know can't start their day until they have had a cup of coffee or their morning cigarette.  Others I know can't start their day right until they have had breakfast.  And there are still others that can't start their day without a chaotic morning filled with getting the kids fed and off to school.  Do any of these things really get us off to a good day?  

What is a good day to you?

I think that's an important question to answer before I give my advice.  You should stop for a second and ponder what is a good day to you.  What would make tomorrow a successful day or a happy day for you?  Does it have anything to do with God?  If things go your way tomorrow, what part does God play in it?  Take your time, I'll wait.

At this point, if you are still on my blog, I will assume that God does play a role in you having a good day.

I fully believe that any good thing worth having is worth working for.  I bet you've heard that before.  I believe if you want to make good grades, you have to do homework.  If want to keep your job, you have to go to work.  If you have a garden and want good vegetables, you have to tend the garden.  If you want a good day, you need to plan for it and you will need to do something to attain it.

My advice is very simple and probably quite predictable; I believe to have a good day tomorrow you should start it with a quiet time with God.  For some, this is something you've never done and for others this is something you've known to do and don't.  My good friend Jon Sweet gave some very good advice for those that don't know how to have a quiet time.  He suggested that you simply make the very first thing you do when you wake up is to bow your knee and say the Lord's prayer.   If you can't do this, I suggest you tune in some Christian music in your car and meditate on God while on your way to work or to take the kids to school.  

How you choose to do it really doesn't matter, you just need to do it.  It is so important to make an effort to spend time with God.  Think about it, God is the most important thing in our lives and yet we probably sacrifice less for Him than anything.  I dare you to spend some time with God in the morning.  I promise it will make having a bad day a lot harder.  Good luck!

God loves you and I do too!

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