Saturday, January 28, 2012

A Love Note to Kim

This blog is just for Kim. So if you aren't Kim Knight you probably won't get much out of this.

I'm so sorry that you were sick this week. I wish that I could do as good of a job taking care of everyone the way that you do. You have the biggest heart of anyone that I have ever met. You love everyone so good, especially your family. Watching you fight through your pain so you could take care of Kelsi was so inspiring to me. It's little things you do like this that make me want to be a better man.

As I watch you, day in and day out, take care of us it reminds me so much of Christs love for us. He sacrificed everything so that we could have it all. That's the way that you are. You sacrifice your time and energy taking care of me and the kids and it does not go unnoticed. You made sure that Kassi and Kalli could read before they got to kindergarten and I know you will do the same with Kelsi. You give your time coaching AAU not just because you enjoy it but because our girls have always wanted you to.

I wish I had the capacity for the love for others that you have but I don't because I am not a mother. But one thing I do know is there isn't a man on earth that could love you more than I do. You are always on my mind. I try to pray without ceasing and when I'm making specific requests they are usually for you because you deserve to have everything that you desire.

You and I are definitely soul mates. We love the same things. No one could appreciate a sunset with me like you do. No one could understand my excitement and disappointment with University of Tennessee sports like you. We are always thinking the same thing at the same time. You make me feel like the best husband in the world even though I know that I'm not even close. No one I know would peel, devein, and cook shrimp for their family even though that the thought of shrimp makes them sick...except you. Only I can understand and appreciate your love and excitement for dolphins when we go to the beach. Only you could appreciate a first date at the river.

I love everything about you. I love your sweet voice. I love your beautiful blue eyes. I love how you snuggle next to me every chance you get. I love how you include me in every part of your life. I love how we are best friends and I can tell you everything. I love that you know the worst thing about me and you love me anyway. I love how you laugh at all of my jokes. I love how you feel safe with me. I love how you make me feel stronger than I am. I love how you make me feel smarter than I am. I love how you make me feel more handsome than I am.

You are the most perfect wife in the world and I promise I will always love you the best way that I know how.

God loves you and I do too!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's only fair if you post some of the rotten things about me as well :) Thank you for my special note, it was a very nice surprise. Today has been on of those days that I will remember when I am 80 yrs old.
    I am so very proud of your commitment to God and I stand next to you very proudly. Thank you for waiting on me while I am getting "ready". We have come sooooo far. With God on our side, nothing stands a chance against us. I will keep getting ready as long as it takes.
    There is so much good in you John Knight. I hope you realize how much God and I both love you! I will always love you, you are my Sammy Brown :) KK
