Words can never describe how I love my wife. Well, there probably are words but I'm not a poet or a song writer that can put my thoughts into words that describe my emotions for and my commitment to Kim. Words always fail my true feelings for her. I think today if I had to pick one word to sum up my entire feelings it would be GRATEFUL. Grateful to God for giving her to me and grateful to her for loving me. I live in the country so if I went outside and screamed "I LOVE KIM KNIGHT" no one would hear. So, if you decided to read this blog, I'm gonna scream it to you and here goes:
It seems like yesterday when you saved me. That's right, you saved me. You saved me from the man I was and the man I was becoming. I had just came out of a failed relationship that I had hung my hopes on. When I was let down, I decided that I could never give my love, my trust, to any woman ever again. I was content to play softball then go play basketball with Jon Sweet until all hours of the night until I had to go back to an empty house where I was alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. That's all I felt and I was content with it. If I was alone, I could not be let down. And then, when I least expected it God sent me you.
You weren't looking for anyone either when God sent you to me. But when you found me, you had compassion on me. You had patience with me until I could learn to trust you. Even though I was just a shell of a human with nothing left to give, you gave me everything you had in hopes that I could return it. I'll never forget the 7th inning of the Atlanta Braves game, sitting in right field when you leaned over with a simple whisper "I love you". I remember melting inside at that moment. I had such an inner turmoil because I had told myself that I would never love again, yet all I wanted to do was grab you and tell you that I love you too but I didn't. Even though I waited a few hours, you understood. You have always been so patient with me.
Your patience and love taught me how to love. What I thought was once love wasn't love at all. It was merely respect and endurance but there was no love. You are the only woman that I've ever loved and I couldn't have loved if it weren't for you. I am so grateful that you saved me many years ago. I am so grateful that you have taught me how to love unconditionally and without reservation.
After all these years that moment in Atlanta seems like yesterday and yet even today, I still have that melting feeling inside, that "I'm in love with this woman feeling". Yes, we've had our ups and downs but that is what helps us to grow even closer. We hang on too each other through the downs because of love and we are rewarded with tremendous ups. There is one thing that is and always will be constant in my life (besides Jesus of course) and that's Kim Knight. I know that you will always love me and I want you to know that I will always love you. That's right, ALWAYS. We have learned to accept our differences and forgive each other no matter what. I know that your strengths compliment my weaknesses and vice versa.
You are truly the woman of my dreams and I promise to spend the rest of my life loving you. Every day with you is a new experience, even if we are doing the same-old-things. Thank you so much for loving me and saving me from myself.
Your loving husband,
God loves you and I do too!
Great job buddy